Howdy! Maybelle Crabtree here. In our backyard I have a garden. It surrounds the grassy area where the kids used to play when they were young. All the neighborhood kids came to play in our backyard. As the only house on the block without a pool, they had room to play.
Tom, my husband, built 3 beds for his vegetables in the back corner. The rest was for me. We have 5 dwarf fruit trees and several different color rose bushes interspersed. Every spring, I get different packets of flowers, mix them up in a bowl, till the rest of the garden area, and sprinkle the seeds around. Every year my garden looks different, but colorful and beautiful just the same.
My Garden View
From my kitchen island I can see the garden through the sliding glass doors while washing the dishes or preparing a meal. On summer evenings, we sometimes gather around the patio table chatting while making s’mores on the table-top fire pit. With the assistance of the ambient lighting hanging from the patio cover I can make out the shadows of my garden.
Almost every morning, I take my mug of hot water with lemon and spend a few minutes alone on the patio looking at my garden. It is my shelter, my quiet retreat, my sanctuary, my God time. I am at peace and for a while all is right with the world.
We Need Gardens
We all need a garden. They are a place of shelter and shade; a meeting place for friends and may even improve a person’s emotions and sense of well-being. Whether it is physical or in our hearts and minds, we need a garden. Even Jesus went to a garden the night before He died. We all need God time. Even Jesus. This portion of the website will be devoted to that. Here we can learn about God’s Word together and hopefully apply it to our lives. I am not a Bible scholar. But I like to research and read and want to share with you what I find out. I do not expect you to agree with me but I hope we can discuss whatever the topic is in a civil manner.
Please join me in the Biblical Garden where we can meditate on God’s Word.
I love the image of your Biblical Garden! Just like there are so many different kinds of visible gardens, so too there are the gardens of our souls, where we can go to be replenished by God’s word and His presence. Somewhere quiet and private is perfect for Practicing the Presence of our Lord. Thanks for describing our deep down need to spend time in our Biblical Gardens..
I believe gardens are very important to God. He placed Adam and Eve in a garden and Jesus either went to a garden or a mountain to find some alone time. It is where, I believe, we can best commune with God. If we are to be Jesus-like, then we need to go to a garden, occasionally, to find peace and comfort.
A garden, someone’s backyard, a park or just walking in nature, gives me a sense of peace. No words are necessary to sense God’s presence. This is sometimes my alone time.
Monday through Friday I get up early in the morning and walk 2 miles in the park close to my home. It’s very quiet there and peaceful. I come home and eat breakfast on my patio. It’s a great way for me to get connected to God and start my day.