Life is a team sport. Maybelle Crabtree here. That phrase has stuck in my head since I read it in my devotional book entitled, Hugs: Daily Inspirations for Women.
Here’s a portion of that devotional: Life is a team sport, and all of us need occasional pats on the back from our teammates. So be cheerful, with a smile on your face and encouraging words on your lips. By blessing others, you’ll also bless yourself. And when you do, God smiles.
God made us to be relational people. Maybe He didn’t know it at the time, but then maybe He did because He is all-knowing after all. Anyway, when He saw how lonely Adam was in that there Garden of Eden, He wanted Adam to find an appropriate companion among the animal kingdom. When Adam couldn’t find a compatible mate, God created another human being; similar because she was from Adam himself but different because Eve wasn’t Adam.
Not Just Talking About Sports
And I’m not just talking about sports. I’m talking about life in general. How many teams do you belong to? Think about it. There’s your family, your friends, groups and organizations you belong to, work, neighborhoods, and probably a whole lot more I haven’t mentioned.
We are social creatures who need some kind of recognition once in a while: pats on the back, cheerleaders, someone to help us along the way. But it’s just not about us. It’s also about what we give to other people. It’s a mixture of give and take, properly blended which makes us all the best that we can be. The following are some examples from my life.
Family is a Team
For the Crabtree Family team, I have prepared them decent, healthy meals to eat. But, occasionally, I have allowed them some junk food to consume. They wore clean and mended clothes and lived in a somewhat neat and tidy house. I drove them to all their practices, games, activities, and events. And, most important of all, hugged, kissed, and said “I love you” on a regular basis. But once in a while I did nag them about school and homework. I am their mom after all.
And what did I get in return? Back in the day when they were small, it was the obligatory card and school-made gift on certain holidays. Now, its texts and actual phone calls to inquire how I’m doing, stories on what’s happening in their lives, and offerings of wisdom and advice on things they are pondering. And every call ends with “love ya, Mom.”
Friends are a Team
My team of friends make sure I’m out of the house at least once a week to partake of a meal at a local restaurant. We offer each other love, support, and a place to be ourselves and have a good time. For a few hours we can forget what’s going on in our lives and just hang loose.
Groups and Organizations are a Team
My groups and organizations’ teams keep me connected to my community. And I give them a body, willing and able to do whatever they want me to do whenever they want.
In the end it’s all about people; working together for a common good, for the betterment of the world overall. As they saying goes, “There’s no ‘I’ in team. What happen when any kind of team relies on just one person and that person is out for whatever reason? The team falls apart. So don’t let that happen to any team you’re on. Work together. Cheer each other on. Be there for one another because life is a team sport.
So what do you think? Leave a comment down below and let’s discuss. Maybelle Crabtree signing off.