Maybelle Crabtree here. While this year is not one I wish to repeat, I have learned throughout my life that even in challenging times there is always something to be thankful for. And with Thanksgiving Day just a few days away, we should all stop and reflect on the things in our lives that we can be thankful for.
Even though this year could have been a whole lot better for me, there were days when a glimpse of the sun shone. Losing the love of my life was devastating. I could be bitter about it but I chose to be pleasant and kind. At least I try to be. Some days it is really difficult but I still try. What I would really like to do, during this holiday season, is get into bed, pull the covers over my head, and stay there until the New Year arrives.
But that is not realistic. Instead, I have decided to be grateful and give thanks for some of the blessings during this exacting period of my life.
Some Things I Am Thankful For (In No Particular Order)
Family – Though It Hasn’t Always Been Harmonious
Not just my children but also the extended family as well. My kids have been great considering they are dealing with their own grief. We are getting together as often as possible and learning how to make good memories without Tom around. But he is always here with us. My siblings-in-law have been a support system I never knew I needed. They check in on a regular basis and text me pictures and write memories of when Tom was young.
Friends – Thankful They Really Like Me
The giant safety net in my life. They call, text, and visit. Some even take me out to lunch on a regular basis. They have reminded me that it is okay to laugh and have a good time. Yet, they have been my shoulder to cry on when needed.
Good Health – Happy Heart Means a Happy Life
No aches. No pain. And especially no prescription drugs to take. I have taken a holistic approach to my health. Exercising almost every day, stretching to stay flexible, lifting weights to stay strong and eating right most of the time are ala part of my healthy routine. My body is God’s temple and it is my responsibility to keep it in the best shape possible.
Home – A Noisy and Joyful Place To Be
Although there is a list, a long list, of general maintenance items that need to be completed, it’s all mine. The mortgage has been paid off and that is a great blessing indeed.
Finances – Thankful I Am, and I Married, a Tightwad
Being cheapskates – make that frugal – has paid off. All the scrimping, saving, penny-pinching, and hours of researching that Tom and I did has put us on a great financial foundation. Thanks to Tom being a great provider, my retirement will indeed be the golden years. Yes, we could have lived a little more lavishly, kept up with the Jones, or given in to immediate pleasure when we were younger, but would I be as well off as I am now? Probably not. Delayed gratification is always the best plan.
Car – It’s Reliable Therefore I’m Grateful
It is a few years old but it works and gets me where I need to go. Hopefully, with regular maintenance it will continue to be something I am thankful for.
Members of Cornerstone Community Church – Grateful for the Whole Bunch
How can I truly explain how much my church family means to me? Without their love, support, encouragement, and prayers, I honestly don’t know where I would be spiritually right now. I am humbled in their presence. Words are not enough to express my true feelings for these wonderful people.
I Love Lucy Reruns – Thankful I Can Laugh Through the Tears
Whenever I am down in the dumps and/or need to escape reality, I put in a Lucy DVD and laugh and laugh and laugh. The predicaments that Lucy and Ethel found themselves in are as relevant today as they were in the Fifties. Who cannot resist chuckling at the vitameatavegamin, candy factory, or grape stomping episode? I thought so. I rest my case.
Rainbows – Give Me a Joyous Heart
Their beauty is unmatched. They are symbols of the victory after the storms of life (in more ways than one). And they are God’s promise to us that He will never again destroy the world. And God keeps His promises.
The Trinity – Appreciative They Will Never Forsake Me
God is my Maker, my Savior, and my Heavenly Father. He is holding me in the palm of His hand. Jesus is walking beside me and encouraging me with His “you got this” attitude. And the Holy Spirit is breathing life into me every day.
Well there you have it – my partial list of things to be thankful for. What are you thankful for this year? Leave me a comment down below and let’s discuss. Happy Thanksgiving Day! Maybelle Crabtree signing off.
Thank you for sharing the many things you are thankful for even though your family has been through great adversity this year.
You have given me many things to think about when I get down about my handicap/pain and aloneness. The past two years alone has not helped. This time of year is difficult as I look forward to the fifth year in a row I will spend the holidays alone.. You, in your infinite wisdom, have helped me realize how very blessed I have been. I want to feel joy again and your words have shown me that might be possible. Your friend, Miss Tweed?
We have to be Thankful in this life
Our Faith is very important
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving ???
Yes yes yes! So grateful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and you. Your friendship through this life has been alife saver. So thankful for you.