Maybelle Crabtree here. If there’s one word I’m going to remember this New Year it will be “forward.” A simple word that means the direction that someone is facing or traveling; onward as to make progress toward a (hopefully) successful conclusion.
Forward Phrases
Many phrases have the word “forward” in them such as “bring forward” (calling up for consideration), “look forward” (anticipating or expecting something to be pleasant), “come forward” (offering help or information), “flash forward” (admitting one’s wrongdoing or volunteering for something or offering one’s services), and “being forward” (lacking modesty or reserve). The list goes on and on. Now some of you may be wondering why I’m writing about a word. Well, it’s just not “a word” to me; it’s ‘the One Word” for me in 2023. Hey I made a rhyme! Yes, “Forward” is my word for this year.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can read my first post about the One Word by clicking here. You can also read about my One Word from last year which was “Renew” by clicking here.
One Word Last Year
Admittedly, last year I didn’t do much renewing. I didn’t realize how grief would hit me then. But it clobbered me. It was almost a TKO. I was down for the count more times than I really like to remember. Not ever completely out but close. But no matter how bruised and battered I was I always got up, staggered a little, and faced grief for another day with my head held high. I was not going to be defeated. Rocky Balboa has nothing on me!
All this wouldn’t have been possible without the one “renew” I did manage to accomplish: renewing, and strengthening, my relationship with God. To put it in simple terms; God’s holding me in the palm of His hand, Jesus is continuously right next to me and propping me up when necessary, and the Holy Spirit keeps the fire going in my soul.
I read devotionals first thing in the morning and last thing at night. On the rougher days, I read more devotionals mid-day. I am strong because of His word. I can take the next step because of my trust in Him. With time, I am slowly, very slowly, accepting my unanswered questions. I am finding a little more peace each day because of His promises.
This Year’s One Word
I was overzealous last year with what I would renew. But I’ve lowered my expectations for this year. As long as I’m in a better place next January than I am now I’ll count it as a victory.
This year I’m concentrating on just moving forward. Not moving on but moving forward. Yes, there is a difference. Moving on has a negative connotation to it. You “move on” and start doing something new or different. You put the difficult experience – a broken relationship, the divorce, or even a job – behind you and progress physically, mentally, and emotionally. There’s no looking back.
Moving forward means “you haven’t forgotten your loss or the future you’d planned before death stole it from you,” writes Michelle Steinke-Baumgard in her book, Healthy Healing. “Moving forward means you have chosen to continue living while remembering what came before.”
“There is no moving on from such experiences; there is only moving forward,” she concludes. (You can peruse her website, One Fit Widow here)
So I’m moving forward; one step, one day, one week, one month, and one year at a time. I know it won’t be easy but “forward” is the only way to go. Let’s discuss down below. Maybelle Crabtree signing out.

What a great way to look at your life! FORWARD is the direction to go!! You are inspiring me.
Miss Chi, it is so funny that you used the word “inspiring” because along with “forward,” “inspire” also kept popping into my head. But since “inspire” seemed like too much work for me right now, I choose forward instead. I mean to inspire people all the time? I get tired just thinking about it. Anyway, thank you for your kind words and I hope you come back often to read my posts. MBC
Having experienced the type of deep grief that you are it was my experience the the 2nd year was really tough. You think you have the first year under your belt. The first holidays , anniversary’s, birthdays are in your rear view mirror but that second year comes around and you hit a wall. I guess I thought somehow that veil of grief would be lifted but for me it was accepting the new reality of my life for the long haul..
Having your faith to rely on is everything.
Nancy, you are sooo right! The second year is harder than the first one. The first one I was still in shock and denying everything that happened. To me, Tom was just on a very long business trip. But when that “moment” hit me that Tom was really dead, it was awful. I cried probably just as much as when I first heard about his death. And such a sadness inside me that I’ve never known before. It’s difficult to explain. I was smiling to the world, but inside I just wanted to stay in bed and pull the sheet over my head. I’m hoping year 3 is better.
Thank you for reading my post and I hope you come back often to visit. And tell your friends to come visit also! MBC