Grant me, patience, Lord, but hurry. How many times in your life have you prayed that simple phrase? Yes, patience seems to be in short supply in the world these days. Instant gratification, road rage, same day or next day delivery, and speeding are examples of our need to have it NOW! We cannot wait. Therefore, we run ourselves ragged. As a result, we are stressed, anger, and exhausted. I’m as guilty as anyone else. I admit it. Patience is not in my vocabulary.
What is Patience Anyway?
Depending on which Bible version you have, the fourth element of the Fruit of the Spirit is patience, forbearance, or even long-suffering. Let’s take a look at each of these words.
- Patience – the quality of being patient. Patient; able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
- Forbearance – a refraining from something.
- Long-suffering – having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.
These three words are interchangeable with each other. Here are some more words we could use for patience: tolerance (withstand or survive), endurance (facing obstacles without giving way), fortitude (strength to bear misfortune) restraint (control of expression or feelings), and perseverance (doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success).
I like these words better. They sound more positive. I wouldn’t say I’m a patient person but I can persevere. Long-suffering sounds like you’re a victim. But tolerant and having endurance are good things to have. Maybe I’m more patient than I think I am.
Endure and Have Faith
Patience is having the ability to endure for a long time the kind of suffering and opposition that may come our way. It is the ability, in Spirit, to wait on God’s perfect timing even when our personal agenda seems to be failing. And, most importantly, it is the ability to put up with the weaknesses and eccentricities of others. It is accepting people for who and what they are and allowing God to do His work on them.
Also, developing forbearance is to go by faith and what God’s word says to us. Faith will give us the strength and wisdom to hold back and not be reactive to a situation. It empowers believers to withstand challenging situations with endurance. We learn to wait a little longer before indulging our passions. We weather the storms of life with a new confidence that will bring glory to Jesus Christ.
Achieving Patience
So how do we achieve patience? Here are a few helpful hints:
- Be agreeable. Let others behave according to their nature without adjusting to yours. How about saying Yes, Dear and That sounds good to me more often.
- Be respectful. Don’t argue, dominate the conversation, or interrupt others while they are speaking.
- Be patient with others. Don’t be in a hurry. Minimize stress by keeping worries at bay.
- Do not retaliate when wronged. Remain poised in good times and bad.
By enduring, by being patient, we will continue to be led by God’s Spirit and continue to bear fruit. Moreover, we will continue to grow and mature which will lead us to be more Christ-like. Remember: everything happens in God’s time, not our time