Maybelle Crabtree here. In 1910 Americans slept nine hours a night. Today they average only six to seven hours a night. Americans are tired and it shows in our health and our demeanor. For the most part, people are proud of their pooped-outness (I think I invented a new word!) because it proves we’re not lazy, idle, and/or goofing off. But it’s really leading us to an early grave. We all need a good night’s sleep. We all need rest. God created the Sabbath just for that reason. The Sabbath is for rest!
What is Rest?
Rest – a refreshing quiet time or an inactive period after an exertion or labor. Our bodies thrive with it and God commanded it. In fact, God rested on the seventh day after creating for six. He is our Perfect Example. He created for six days and rested on day seven. Our God, the Lord Almighty, the One who knows everything, is everywhere, and doesn’t sleep, took a day off to rest, rejuvenate, and relax. If He did it, then why shouldn’t we?
Again, why do we, mere mortals, believe we are better equipped to handle working, or laboring, continuously day in and day out, when the Immortal One took time to recharge? It’s simple. We can’t. Failure to rest regularly devastates not only our bodies but our minds and emotions as well.
Take the Day Off
I read a book recently entitled Take the Day Off by Robert Morris. He writes about resting on the Sabbath. You see the Sabbath just isn’t a day off or a vacation. Instead, it is a God’s holy day to rest and fellowship with Him.
Morris states three reasons for resting.
1) The Sabbath Gives God the Opportunity to Provide for Us Supernaturally
God wants us to trust Him and have confidence in His ability to provide for us. When we honor and integrate the principle of the Sabbath into our lives, it gives God the opportunity to show us what He can and will do based on our belief. Remember, we can accomplish far more in six days carrying God’s supernatural blessing than we can in seven without it. And just imagine how God will bless those six workdays.
The Sabbath Gives Us the Opportunity to Rest and Be Refreshed
Exodus 31:16-17 affirms God’s perpetual, solemn agreement between Himself and the Israelites (and us too!) to celebrate a day to rest and refresh. Why would anybody not want that? This is His way of showing us He loves us, He cares about us, and most importantly, He wants what is best for us. Taking some time off so our brains and bodies have downtime is evidence of our love for the Lord. Besides, Exodus 31:15 admonishes that anyone working on the Sabbath will be put to death. Which finally leads to reason number 3.
There are Consequences When We Don’t Rest
God, as our Designer, knew we weren’t built to run seven days a week, week after week. We break down. It’s certainly not a sustainable lifestyle but a slow suicide. It takes years off our lives.
Nevertheless, Morris concludes, “The Sabbath is a gift… God is imploring us to give ourselves a gift of rest one day each week. Trust God and treat yourself. You’ll be astonished at how much more you accomplish and how much more you enjoy the journey.”
Well that’s it for now. There’s more information to write about from the book but I’ll save that for future posts. I’m off to do some resting now. And what about you? Do you honor God by observing the Sabbath? If so, how? If not, why? Leave your answers down below and let’s discuss. Maybelle Crabtree signing off.