Pray one word. Maybelle Crabtree here. A new year is upon us which means it’s time to tell you my One Word for the year 2025. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then read this post about One Word. I had a few words come to mind that I thought would be appropriate for this year. Words like “create,” “purpose,” “finish,” and “intentional.” But, alas, it’s not any of those words. In fact, it didn’t even make my list. But when I gave it over to God, it was on His list and everywhere I looked there is was; in various forms. Indeed, it surprised me but when God’s talking, you have to listen. So here it is. My One Word for 2025 is “pray.”
I know. You are surprised as I was. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not like to pray; in public, anyway. Now in private I am always talking to God. But’s it’s more of a conversation not a prayer. A one-sided conversation but a conversation none the less.
And most of these discussions begin with a “Hey God” or “Really God?” or even “You thought that was a good idea, God?” I’m very casual when I’m speaking to Him. Never had a formal greeting for Him like “Oh, Holy and Merciful God” or “Our Great Creator, Our Father.” Just seems like a stuffy and shallow way to begin a chat.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have great respect for the Man Upstairs. He is my Lord and Savior after all. I look up to Him. And I bow down to Him. But I have to be me and He knows that. So I think He’s okay with my salutations.
Pray Definition
Furthermore, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary has good definitions for “pray.” This first one is “to make a request in a humble manner.” Second is “to address God with adoration [praising God for all His attributes and works], confession [acknowledging and repenting of sins], supplication [requesting God’s help or intervention], or thanksgiving [expressing gratitude for God’s blessings].”
As you should know, praying is an act of worship and a demonstration of faith, reflecting a believer’s dependence on, and a relationship with, God. There have been times during my life when I rarely prayed. I often thought that God didn’t care about me. With all the problems in the world, what I was going through, especially the hard and difficult times, didn’t seem all that important. I didn’t realize, back then, how much He actually loved me and ached to have a relationship with me, Maybelle Crabtree.
Even when I did pray, it seemed like He wasn’t listening or the answer was “no!” And that hurt me deep inside. Kind of made me feel like I was bothering Him with my dinky, little problems. Didn’t seem like it was worth my time and effort. So I stopped.
But as I grew older and matured in my spiritual life, I realized something. I was God’s creation: a fearfully and wonderfully made creation. And He is my Heavenly and Good Father. And as a Good Father, He loves and cares for me. For those reasons alone, He wants me to talk to Him; come to Him for advice and counsel.
Even Jesus Prayed
Then I realized something else. The only perfect person that ever walked on earth prayed to His Heavenly Father. That’s right. Jesus prayed; somewhere between 25 and 38 times according to the Holy Bible. If Jesus can pray to God, then I can too.
Jesus sets a good example of how to pray. He always withdrew to a solitary place and prayed at significant moments in His life. If you take a really good look at these prayer moments, you’ll see that His prayers revealed Jesus’ submission to the God’s will and His intercession for others including all of us.
Now, I have my own solitary place that I enter each morning, with my mug of hot water with lemon in hand, to pray and read devotionals. It’s hidden and a secret so I can’t tell you where it is. But it’s a great way to start the day and spend a few minutes being still with the Holy Trinity.
New Ways to Pray
This year I’m all in for praying; thanks to the Almighty. I even found a daily prayer journal online which has prompts for morning and evening prayers, thankfulness, and acts of kindness which I began using the beginning of this year. And while I was at the bookstore last week, I purchased a 365-day devotional entitled Daily Prayers for Women. Yes, I may have gone overboard which I sometimes do. But I want a richer and closer relationship with my Maker so it’s a praying life for me this year.
One more thing I want to say, praying is a vital aspect of the Christian life which fosters a deeper relationship with God and aligns believers with His purposes. Christians, and non-Christians alike, can find strength, guidance, and peace, trusting in God’s sovereignty and love.
So that’s it. Maybe through all this praying I’ll finally figure out what God’s will and purpose is for my life. How about you? Do you have One Word for this year? Do you want to pray more and have a closer relationship with God? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss it. Maybelle Crabtree signing off.